Libra and Pisces Compatibility – The Definitive Guide

Libra and Pisces Compatibility – The Definitive Guide

Mystique, romance and tenderness are often at the centre of Libra and Pisces relationships. These are two star signs born to love – often in love with the idea of love as well.

Yet intentions alone aren’t enough to help a relationship progress. There are certain complications in the Libra and Pisces match up that need to be addressed for it to proceed without heartbreak.

For that, check out this discussion on Libra and Pisces compatibility – the definitive guide to seeing if true love can last for this pairing.

Libra and Pisces compatibility overview

There’s an inherent sense of duality to the Libra and Pisces romance, probably due to the fact that these star signs tend to see everything in pairs.

Both of these lovers are blessed with the ability to see two opposites at once, and bring them into harmony.

However, astrology teaches us that Pisces and Libra nonetheless approach this dualistic worldview from different perspectives each.

To understand why, it’s a good idea to delve into the meaning behind both the Libra and Pisces partners’ star signs, working out what makes them tick.

In the case of Libra, their star sign is represented by the scales, so the idea of balance and equality is extremely apparent in them.

Indeed, Libra is loathing to take any action they feel creates an unfair disadvantage to others, and likewise is riled up by injustice in all its forms.

Yet Libra’s sense of balance also translates into a kind of grace and consideration that flavours every action they take.

Libra people are very aesthetically gifted, able to create a beautiful home or dress in the most tasteful way – and they’re also wonderfully charming people.

Meanwhile, Pisces is a star sign symbolised by two fish swimming in a circle around one another, top to tail.

The reason why Pisces is represented by two fish, rather than one, is because these folks seem to inhabit two worlds simultaneously – our own reality, and their own vast dreamscape.

This world within is seemingly linked to a tremendous collective consciousness – Pisces people are able to sense things like motivations and lies in others in ways they can’t always put into words.

To them, duality is to be a part of two worlds – a denizen of both, yet belonging truly to neither.

Because of this more ethereal approach, the qualities that Libra and Pisces have in common, such as compassion, empathy and championing the underdog, don’t always actually meet in the middle.

The more emotive way Pisces does things will often confuse and smother the lighter ways of Libra.

This is likely because Libra is an air sign in astrology – every star sign has its ruling element. Air signs are intellectually charged, with fast ideas and the means to move with them rapidly.

A water sign like Pisces, meanwhile, is far more emotionally expressive and intuitive.

It’s the age-old debate of logic versus emotion, and it will touch every corner of the Libra and Pisces relationship as it develops.

Fortunately, both of these star signs are open to the way other people do things, and even-handed in their approach to that.

Nonetheless, the truth is that confusion will be a sometimes unwelcome third wheel in the relationship between Libra and Pisces, so this pairing must be patient in helping each other understand their own more distinct point of view.

Matches between the Libra woman and Pisces man

Tenderness, sensitivity and a habit of reeling back from criticism rather than working with it to improve oneself are common themes when the Libra woman and Pisces man get together.

These are delicate souls nonetheless empowered by an inner fire they often forget to tap into.

The Libra woman is elegance incarnate – rarely single, and when she is, almost certain to be swamped by would-be suitors who leap at her so intensely she simply sidesteps them.

She is only interested in those men willing to take their time, respect her patience and court her properly.

The keen insight of the Pisces man, an individual prone to navigate life entirely on gut feeling, has probably already worked that out.

Nonetheless, he’s often a bashful individual who may feel shy in making an approach to such a popular lady.

The wise Libra woman gives him just enough subtle clues that he’s welcome to help him on his way. Once that happens, sweet and tender dates in out of the way places are sure to ensue.

This couple are slow to open up to one another, but find only understanding and caring as they do so.

The Pisces man often feels overwhelmed by life. He’s an individual who tends to lean towards escapism when life gets too much.

Yet to the eyes of the Libra woman, he may begin doing so far too frequently, sinking into films, TV shows or video games.

He can seem frightfully unmotivated at times, yet the Libra woman is also more than capable of infuriating him in kind with her own dithering sometimes.

Put simply, she doesn’t rush into decisions – quite the opposite.

Even a restaurant menu is a decision she likes to take her time over, weighing up all of the options.

It can be a bit of a tricky process to navigate, and between them they both can get a bit caught up in their heads sometimes.

Luckily, there’s at least plenty of romance between the Libra woman and Pisces man to enjoy.

Once their hearts each blossom open, they’ll bend over backwards to show how much of a priority their loved ones are.

That said, both the Libra woman and Pisces man have a habit of putting others before themselves to excess.

Such self-sacrificing behaviour is often to be applauded, but neither partner knows where to draw the line, in themselves or one another. They should be careful not to be taken advantage of.

The good points:

  • Romance, affection and tenderness in abundance – both the Libra woman and the Pisces man have so much to give
  • The Pisces man is sensitive, intelligent and a good listener – all the things the Libra woman has been waiting to find in a man
  • The Pisces man is able to let his guard down around the Libra woman, who in turn offers a sympathetic ear to his deepest worries

The bad points:

  • Being each such passive people, both the Libra woman and Pisces man can let life roll over them without speaking up, and get taken advantage of because of it
  • The Libra woman can be emotionally cool from time to time, which makes it hard to reach her for the Pisces man
  • The Pisces man is so demonstrative in love that it can feel like he’s trying too hard, smothering the Libra woman

Matches between the Libra man and Pisces woman

One of the zodiac’s most confident and capable sweet talkers can very much meet his match when the Pisces woman comes on the scene.

She’s the feminine ideal in many respects, both in figure as much as mindset and the way in which she carries herself.

The Libra man is a highly social creature, likely to maintain a vast network of friends and associates over his lifetime.

As such, it might be easy to overlook the Pisces woman, as coy as she can be – except there’s something mystical and magical about her.

It could well be his curiosity about this way of hers that draws the Libra man and Pisces woman in love together.

The Libra man is very much a modern gentleman, and although he opens his emotional self up slowly, he wastes no time in dating the Pisces woman demonstratively.

She quickly establishes herself to him as someone who keenly judges character through her accurate intuition, but also someone who – despite her softer outer self – is of no mind to take any nonsense.

Luckily, the Libra man doesn’t mean her any harm, and the pair enter quite the whirlwind romance.

It’s highly likely that the Libra man and Pisces woman will become quite intoxicated by one another, and both of them tend to idealise romance and butterflies in the stomach.

Luckily though, they’re also both long-term lovers at heart, and are only interested in a serious bond.

As the relationship settles through those means, the Libra man remains a busy socialite to a fault.

The Pisces woman needs stability and a reliable influence in life, and although the Libra man is this in many respects, he’s also swift to dart about breezily between one group of friends and the next.

He can be hard to pin down, yet also reacts poorly if the Pisces woman begins imploring him to spend more time with her – he finds her way of addressing the issue far too clingy

. She doesn’t mean to be, it’s simply that her sensitivity is such that all she says and does is emotionally charged.

She’s very easily wounded by life’s challenges, hurdles and disappointments, and the Libra man will find he has to spend a lot of time reassuring her, no matter how high her confidence.

In the end, her needs may prove too much for him, just as she grows weary of his indecisive fluttering about.

The good points:

  • Security and long-term thinking from both partners here mean they’re on the same page with what they want in the relationship
  • The Libra man is charismatic and generous, and will always go out of his way to make sure the Pisces woman feels special, particularly early in the relationship
  • The Pisces woman’s compassion means the Libra man has the rare chance to let his guard down and be vulnerable without fear of being judged

The bad points:

  • The Pisces woman hates being apart from her Libra man, but he could feel smothered by that when she expresses it
  • The Libra man takes his time reaching decisions in a way that becomes frustrating at times
  • There could be too much fixation on the idea of romance rather than the practicalities of togetherness, hurting the couple in the long run

Libra and Pisces friendship compatibility

Two sensitive spirits form the heart of Libra and Pisces friendship, and what big hearts they are. Neither of these friends are keen to see people exploited, taken advantage of or mistreated.

They often have a soft spot for animals too.

Libra and Pisces friends are likely to be charity donors, volunteers for local good causes, or activists for social injustices they’re keen to see put right.

A powerful bond of wanting to fix the world seethes in this duo, yet they’re never aggressive in their actions – they’re peaceful people.

In fact, it could well be that shared appreciation for peace, harmony and everyone getting along that helps draw the Libra friend and Pisces friend into a lifelong alliance.

These are very non-confrontational folks, and can confide in one another when they feel bombarded by life too.

Of course, the darker side of this is that Libra and Pisces friends can sometimes be a little bit holier than thou, and band together in becoming a little aloof from everyone else.

If this tendency can be successfully avoided though, these two can unite to create powerful positive changes in the world.

Of course, it’s not all sweeping reforms for these friends – Libra and Pisces buddies have plenty of fun too. They’re somewhat indulgent shoppers, for instance, and often keen foodies too.

Both of these star signs have a bit of a soft spot for life’s little pleasures.

There’s often an artistic streak to this friendship too. Libra is deeply connected to aesthetics, for example, and Pisces is naturally drawn to the realms of imagination, drawing deep inspiration from there.

Painting, sculpture, digital art or music are all superb ways for them to collaborate.

Libra and Pisces friends can use their inherent astrological traits to help one another. The emotions that so overwhelm Libra can be explained and put into perspective by Pisces, and likewise Libra can offer some mental sharpness to the otherwise overwhelming emotions Pisces feels.

Libra and Pisces marriage compatibility

With so much romanticism to share, and with such a long-term perspective on relationships in general, there’s a strong case to be made for Libra and Pisces marriage.

Yet the underlying pragmatic aspects of a relationship need to also be addressed if the marriage is to last.

Pisces, the eternal dreamer, has likely been imagining their wedding day for quite some time, and certainly long before meeting their Libra partner.

Their keenness to see that dream realised means they might try and hurry the notion of marriage along a little before Libra is ready.

Luckily, Libra is a natural born diplomat, and can help Pisces reach a compromise.

However it plays out, the wedding is likely to be a lovely one, with friends and family all around and plenty of good natured jitters and nerves on both sides.

As married life gets underway, each partner is happy to have found dependability, stability and affection in one another.

However, the Libra spouse is far more freedom loving than the Pisces spouse, and will need much more alone time or time with friends.

Pisces is okay with this, but secretly feels a little lovelorn and lonely if it happens too often. A few years into the marriage, there could also be a tendency for both partners to become a little lazy and set in their ways.

Disagreements will be few and far between, but part of that is due to how both Libra and Pisces spouses avoid disagreements rather than address them.

Both of these star signs are prone to sitting on issues rather than bringing them into the light, and must be careful things don’t escalate because of that.

This marriage definitely has the means and motivation to last, but both Pisces and Libra spouses will need to be confident enough to air their grievances in order to grow.

Libra and Pisces: Common issues and problems

While the romantic, loving sides of Pisces and Libra relationships helps this pair tremendously, there are enough differences between these two to create issues that can muddle matters too.

As discussed, neither Libra or Pisces like to confront harsh matters, further complicating things.

Pisces will often feel uncomfortable with the notion of Libra’s natural charm. Put simply, it often looks as though they’re being flirtatious, despite their loyalty, which can severely damage the confidence of Pisces.

However, Pisces people themselves are also prone to mood swings erratic enough that Libra struggles to deal with them as they arise.

The can go from effusive and expressive to withdrawn and distant over the space of an hour, making it difficult to know how to deal with them.

Libra is only able to confidently communicate once they know how someone behaves, which creates another problem – Pisces believes that Libra’s diplomatic ways can border on deceitful or manipulative. Libra insists it’s just tact and diplomacy, of course.

The spirit of self-sacrifice is strong in both Libra and Pisces, and both of them can give far too much of themselves.

With neither partner able or willing to draw the line, the two can exhaust themselves on one another, or on people in need outside the relationship themselves.

Learning to say no feels incredible difficult for each of these partners. Half the time, they’ll agree to something the other partner wants to do, even though they secretly hate the idea – just because they believe it’s right. Yet persisting in this long-term leaves both Libra and Pisces secretly miserable.

In fact, both Libra and Pisces can tend to stick with things that have long since run their course – unfortunately, this is true of relationships too.

One partner may stay with the other out of duty or moral obligation, not realising the other wants out too – wasting time on both side.

Libra is a star sign fixated on balance, and that tends to mean that when they need to balance out their emotional side, they can tend to overcompensate.

In short, Libra goes through periods of being so cold and rational that they seem to Pisces to be almost heartless.

Neither of these star signs handles criticism very well, which only makes it harder to broach difficult subjects and resolve them.

If criticised too harshly, both Libra and Pisces alike will shrink back and seize up, making it challenging to move forward for all.

My expert opinion and final thoughts

There’s certainly sweetness and tenderness aplenty to enjoy when Libra and Pisces enter a relationship.

However, relationships take hard work – the notion that love conquers all isn’t always as accurate and true an idea as either star sign likes to believe.

Relationships involve confronting difficult issues – not only learning that those whom we love are less than perfect, but also that we are too.

For sensitive Pisces and perfectionist Libra, this is a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance, beauty and art, while Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the ruler of dreams, illusions and hidden depths.

Complementary energies indeed – but also potential areas of friction, as neither partner ever truly feels they fully know the ways of the other.

Libra is always going to need the taste of freedom that the all-consuming love of Pisces makes difficult to achieve.

Self sacrifice from one or the other partner is needed for this relationship to succeed – but that’s a tricky situation, as they could both end up giving of themselves to excess.

While true love is generous indeed, being so infatuated with the idea of love that we give until there’s nothing left of ourselves can prove problematic.

If Libra and Pisces can draw healthy boundaries though, there’s plenty of compassion here in each worth striving for.

Libra and Pisces compatibility score: 5/10

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