The Three of Cups represents celebration, friendship, and community. It signifies the fulfillment of the senses, indulgence, bliss, and abundance.
The Three of Cups is depicted with three young girls dancing in a circle, while raising their goblets in a toast. They are connected to each other, as represented by their arms reaching out to each other.
The ground on their feet is littered with fruits, symbolizing a sense happiness and abundance.
All the three girls wear a wreath of laurels on their heads, symbolizing triumph, as well as protection, purification, and peace.
The flowers that lay upon their feet represent beauty, joy, and compassion, as well as the achievements and the successes of life that are yours for the taking.
The Three of Cups represents the friendships and harmonious relationships in life. It also represents the openness to be of help to others.
The Three of Cups also indicates a very sociable time, just like the Three of Pentacles. You can fulfill your work commitments while enjoying time with your family and friends as well.
It’s about happy celebrations: Birthdays, engagements, weddings, reunions, and promotions.
It signals a wonderful time for you to start enjoying life through good food, and even better wine!
The Three of Cups also signifies the coming together of communities and groups to work for a common goal and for the greater good.
By working together, you will realize that you can achieve so much more and share your creative energy and passion with more people.
By widening your reach, more people can benefit and more people can celebrate your success with you.
The Three of Cups also indicates an end to a problem, particularly one that pertains to your relationship and interaction with others.
You will finally reach a compromise and live in a harmonious existence.
Three of Cups Tarot and Love
When it comes to love and relationships, the Three of Cups signifies positive outcomes, similar to the Ten of Cups. It’s about physical fulfillment happening.
In relationships, you are enjoying perfect moments with your lover.
It’s a perfect time for great love, the kind of love that turns you into a poet, into a philosopher, and just about anything that embodies the perfect lover.
The Three of Cups often shows after a period of pain and healing, portending a celebration of a new love or a new relationship, a new beginning just like the Page of Cups.
It promises that love is coming and it will sweep you off your feet, if you will let it. If you do, it will be a life that is filled with love and laughter.
This new love will fit perfectly in your world, and all the people you love will love this person, too. Everything will feel like everything is finally falling in place.
The Three of Cups can also signify an ending. If the relationship has been having problems, it can represent a positive change.
It can be a compromise reached, a time away from each other, an opportunity to communicate and raise your concerns, or more quality time with each other.
It can also mean an end of a relationship so that a new and better one can come in.
Three of Cups Tarot and Money
The Three of Cups in terms of money signifies the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can finally enjoy and celebrate with your hard earned money.
It can mean more money than you are expecting, or more money than you usually have. Spend it wisely, and try to save for the future.
You can sleep better knowing that you have money to use when the unexpected happens.
The Three of Cups also signals the best time to work with partners who have the same interests and share the same goals when it comes to money and running a business.
Three of Cups Tarot’s Meaning for the Future
When the Three of Cups appears in the future position, you can expect good times to come your way.
But first, you have to let go of all the hurtful excess baggage and allow yourself to open up to people. You will find that doing this will also let them accept you in their lives and in their hearts.
Your desire to help people will open a whole world of positivity for you and the people around you. The same people who will love you and celebrate your triumphs with you.
The Three of Cups is a card of fertility, both physical and spiritual. There will be more reasons to celebrate. Your life will never run out of celebrations of love and life.
Your life will be rich with the love of friends and family, and you must do what you can to always treat it with respect, humility, and gratitude.
Some people spend a lifetime trying to find a blessing like this. When you find it, do your best to nurture it and keep it.
Count yourself very lucky and blessed. Not everyone can get to have such a beautiful blessing in their lives.
The Three of Cups and its Meaning for Health
The Three of Cups is a minor arcana card that is primarily linked to the idea of celebration and reunions.
It can also refer to things from your past coming back into your life with this potentially taking several different forms.
However, it does also have some very specific links to your health and how it is going to be affected throughout the rest of your life.
If you draw the Three of Cups in the upright position, then it is going to act more as a warning rather than anything else.
It hints that there may be the potential for some over-indulgence coming up and that you have to be careful or your health could suffer.
The hope is that you will take the warning and begin to understand that there is a very real need to do things in moderation or you could be potentially storing up problems for later on in your life.
On the flip side, the Three of Cups in the reverse position is often seen as being an indicator that you have sadly not listened to your body and you have been guilty of doing too much, celebrating too often, and partying too hard.
This can only ever have a negative impact on your health, and there is a pretty good chance that you are now suffering as a direct result of everything that you have been doing.
However, this is not to say that the Three of Cups is going to be telling you that your health is in a bad way.
Instead, it is more in line with advising you that you need to take stock of what is going on and change your ways.
It will certainly not be in line with the idea of impending doom or something terrible happening as that is never the case when it comes to this card.
Also, the Three of Cups is not about to say that you have to completely stop what you are doing as it is more of a helping hand.
You should still go ahead and do all of those things, but never forget to listen to your body as it is going to be pretty good at telling you what it needs and when it is unable to cope with the demands being placed upon it.
So, in general, the Three of Cups does not go into specifics when it comes to your health either in the upright or reverse position.
You are not going to find it telling you that there will be certain ailments that you have to contend with in the near future or that your health is going to change for the better after working through a tough time.
If you do draw this card, then there is no need to worry or stress about what it will all mean.
Instead, focus on the positive message that it is trying to tell you and to take care when it comes to the possibility of doing too much or over-indulging in whatever life is throwing at you.
My Final Thoughts on Three of Cups Tarot
The three young girls in the Three of Cups are feeling happy simply because they have each other. No one is above another, no more dominant presence. The three girls are all equally portrayed.
In life, even the most heartbreaking problems and the toughest challenges don’t seem too heartbreaking or too tough when you have your best friends or your family by your side.
They can make you hurt less and cry less. They instinctively know what you need when you need it.
Your pain is their pain. Your triumphs are their triumphs. Your enemies are their enemies.
There is a oneness that is built through time and through trust.
How many disappointments and heartbreaks have you endured in your life with your friends and family to help you?
Experiencing the pain and the grief with them made all the hurt tolerable and survivable.
The Three of Cups reflects your great happiness in finding the kind of friends that make your life better and make you a better person.
It reflects your gratitude for having found them. When was the last time you told them how much you value them and love them? When was the last time you celebrated your friendship?
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