Neptune in Capricorn Traits
Neptune takes 165 years to complete its cycle through the 12 Zodiac Signs. Neptune’s position will show up in your natal chart—for Capricorns, this is the Tenth House.
Neptune will offer you a great deal of new inspiration, on your search for love and fulfillment.
Your Neptune positioning speaks to the area of your life that your struggle with or procrastinate over. Do not be discouraged, because Neptune wants to help you find love and fulfillment.
Your Ruling Planet is Saturn, so Neptune may have you feeling hopeless at work.
Do not despair, Capricorn. You are the Sign associated with success in your chosen field, status, and money.
However, Neptune will want to redirect your focus onto your dreams of the future—not of your stock options, but of your relationships.
Neptune in Capricorn Women
Women with Neptune in Capricorn are smart, witty, and independent. You are able to find stability, even if rough situations. You are an inspiration to many—and Neptune wants to inspire you, in turn.
Neptune will aid you on your search for love and fulfillment. Your creativity and intuitive nature draw people to you.
You are able to reach people on a deep level—and you will be happiest if you can align your career path with your passion for outreach to others in need.
Women with Neptune in Capricorn might feel like isolating themselves in hard times. While this may seem less embarrassing or painful than asking for help, it cannot get you as far.
Because you have such a variety of life experiences, some may not know how to approach you.
Allow love into your life by showing up. You are so loveable, and have so much to offer a loving partner. You often fear commitments—in work, home life, and love.
Fight your urge to put yourself down. You are the type to value others and forgive others, but have trouble finding the dame amount of love for yourself.
You will benefit from working in service or charity organizations. If you are unsure about which path to choose, you can volunteer and try out different jobs.
Make sure that you are steady and chase your dreams, and you will find love and fulfillment.
Neptune in Capricorn Men
Men with Neptune in Capricorn may have trouble playing the husband and father roles Norman Rockwell would paint, but he is an amazing man.
This guy will hold you deep in his heart—and put you before himself.
A Man with Neptune in Capricorn will have strong emotional bonds with those close to him. He would give you the shirt of his back, if you needed it.
Be aware that your expectations and this man’s realistic lifestyle may clash.
Falling for a Man with Neptune in Capricorn is easy. You will benefit from being very careful with any shared funds, because of his unique outlook on financial stability and relationships.
Hounding this guy about income or bills will really wear him down, so try to be as uplifting as you can during tight times.
Once you have proven your loyal love to a Capricorn, you are loved for life. These men are fiercely protective of you, and will want to keep you safe.
Again, you will find love and fulfillment with this man once you are both honest about your expectations.
A Man with Neptune in Capricorn will benefit from the inspiration the Planet brings. Neptune’s Retrograde cycle will be a dormant period for him, but never count him out.
He is plotting and planning his next successful move.
Do not mistake this man’s practical views on life. He may sound a bit Spartan, but he is truly generous.
Neptune and Capricorn in Love
Your worst prospects for love are with a partner who suffocates your motivation. You need a lover who will ask you fresh questions, keep lovemaking spicy, and encourage your search for personal fulfillment.
You can find love and fulfillment through work-related accomplishments and accolades, but your spirit will be more nourished by your close relationships.
You might not feel settled around a bossy Taurus or perfectionist Virgo. You are an Earth Sign, and sometimes clash with these other two Earth Signs.
Air and Water Signs, like Aquarius and Libra, might suit you best.
Your best prospects for love are with a Libra because their Ruling Planet is Venus. These people are guided by the Goddess of Love. Their House is associated with amazing interpersonal relationships.
A Libra is also a big help when you are having a hard time making decisions, which feels all too familiar to many Capricorns.
Neptune is breathing inspiration into your union. A Libra, symbolized by The Scales, will help you make pro and con lists, and plan for the future.
Dates for Neptune in Capricorn
Be aware of Neptune’s Retrograde cycle for this year: Neptune enters the Retrograde zone on February 23, 2017, and becomes Stationary Retrograde on June 16, 2017.
Neptune goes Stationary Direct on November 22, 2017. Neptune leaves the Retrograde zone on March 13, 2018.
Neptune’s cycles are very long. Neptune entered Pisces on February 3, 2012. Neptune will enter Pisces—in Retrograde—on October 22, 2025.
7 Little-Known Facts About Neptune in Capricorn
With Neptune in Capricorn, you will tend to discover that there are some rather specific spheres of influence for you to be aware of.
Clearly, the difficulty is in attempting to better understand the various aspects that do exist, so identifying a number of key facts surrounding this combination can prove to be rather useful.
1. It wants you to feel fulfilled.
There is a real sense that Neptune in Capricorn is going to want you to feel fulfilled in life and it will strive to help you in achieving that wherever possible.
It has the intention of pushing you towards the things in life that will allow you to move forward and feel confident in doing so.
2. You might feel a bit hopeless with work.
As you are seeking this fulfilment in life, it does mean that there will often be areas where you feel as if you are just being let down and that is sadly a downside of the influence of Neptune.
However, it does then provide you with the strength and desire to change things that you are in control of, and you will then see the benefit.
3. It helps you to redirect your focus.
If you believe that you have effectively lost track of things in your life, then Neptune in Capricorn is going to result in you being shown how it is possible to redirect your focus.
It shows you a new way of doing things, and a new approach to areas of your life that you are struggling with, so there is some real light at the end of the tunnel.
4. Women are smart and independent.
Women that have this combination in their life will ultimately be viewed as being rather smart as well as independent in whatever it is that they do.
This is due to a high level of self-belief that is hard to replicate elsewhere allowing them to push forward and feel that they can indeed achieve whatever they want.
5. There are often strong emotional bonds.
A man with this combination is going to often have rather strong emotional bonds with any individual that they feel close to in some way.
They will also normally put those people first and will prefer to do things for them rather than their own selves.
6. They are protective and loyal.
Neptune in Capricorn is going to result in people being rather protective as well as loyal to those that do deserve this kind of accolade.
However, not everyone is able to get into that particular position as it is reserved for the elite few.
7. You are encouraged to chase your dreams.
Finally, Neptune in Capricorn is going to be pushing you into chasing your dreams, but you clearly need to know what those dreams are.
It wants you to explore your boundaries as much as possible, and to not be afraid of doing so.
Ultimately, Neptune in Capricorn is going to result in you being encouraged to learn more about what you want in life and then going after it.
With the power of this combination behind you, there is little doubt that you will achieve whatever it is that you want.
Final Thoughts
Capricorn, you are well on your way to finding love and fulfillment. You are at a point now where you should invest in yourself.
Your self-love, creativity, and inspiration from Neptune in Capricorn will stoke your inner fire.
Use this motivational boost form Neptune to your advantage. During hard times, such as during Retrograde, take comfort in knowing that you have a true gift. You are a strong worker with a dreamer’s mind.
You can and will inspire many through your actions, be it at work or in daily life. Meditate on what you wish you could find more of in the world.
Make that change in your own life, and your happiness will manifest itself in your finding love and fulfillment in a relationship with another.
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