What is my numerology by date of birth?

Numerology gives us an insight into our life purpose and personality traits by calculating and then using certain numbers such as life path number, expression number, birth number, soul’s urge number, personality number, and power number. These distinctive numbers are usually calculated using the birth date and the letters of an individual’s birth name.

Numerology works on attaining the root number by reducing the digits of a number to a single digit, except the numbers 11,22, and 33. These three numbers are the Master Numbers. The single reduced digit is your unique Life Path Number.

Your unique and personal Life Path Number is generated with the help of your birth date. Apart from the Life Path Number, birth number, month number, year number, and attitude number are also calculated through your date of birth.

Our birth date has an exceptional vibration and force. Old numerologists believed that our birth date lines up with astronomical powers that help us in our personification on the path of our lives.

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