Read this special 2022 career and money forecast for Scorpio and find out, month by month what I predict the will happen in the coming months.
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As always if you have any questions please feel free to leave me a comment below and I will be sure to get back to you.
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – January 2022
In January 2022, the Scorpio career and money horoscope points to a lot of drama. It seems that there was a lot of unfinished business in 2022 and all that is coming to a head in January 2022.
The good news, if you’re going to call it that, is that at least the drama will be pronounced, identifiable, and specific. This is great news for people who are actually intent on solving their problems.
You don’t want to shadow box with your problems. That’s not the way to resolve issues. When you can clearly identify the issue, then you have a higher likelihood of fully resolving it within a fairly short period of time. This is precisely what’s going to happen in January 2022.
The issue is the drama may not necessarily be all that big. However, considering the Scorpio mindset, it can easily be blown out of proportion.
You’re not exactly the most forgiving person on the block. You’re not exactly the type of person that can live in let live and let grudges slip by. You tend to hang on, and that’s why this is going to be a very potentially emotionally rocky situation as far as your career and money issues are concerned.
The most important days in January for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are January 3rd, January 11th, and January 22nd 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – February 2022
In the month of February, the month of love, the Scorpio career and money forecast involves paying people back.
Now, you might be rolling your eyes and thinking, “Wow! Payback and Scorpio how can it happen?” After all, Scorpios are known to be one of the most vindictive signs in the horoscope. You’re not exactly known for forgiving and forgetting.
With that said, the payback that it’s going to be in play in February 2022 is actually the positive kind.
You have to remember that for you to get to where you are in your career and financial standing, people helped you. As much as you would not like to admit it, people did help you. Either they pointed you in the right direction, gave you concrete advice, or physically and directly helped you get to where you are.
The good news is that this payback is not really going to involve any kind of money or any kind of public pronouncement that can impact your pride or personal or social stature.
None of that.
Instead, the payback is really internally that you would resolve in your mind that these people did help you out, and it would be clear in your mind. It seems like a small thing but considering the amount of pride that’s often wrapped up in a Scorpio’s emotions, that’s a big deal. This is a very important resolution because it can lead to positive changes as far as your career and money issues are concerned come the rest of 2022.
The key days in February for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are February 8th, February 13th, and February 16th 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – March 2022
In the month of March 2022, the forecast for Scorpio career and money issues is looking quite bright indeed.
It seems that you put in some investments in the past either in your career, your business, or in your finances. These investments are beginning to bear fruit. However, you shouldn’t rush out there and start charging up your credit card.
By bearing fruit, we’re talking about beginning to turn a corner. A lot of these investments actually went gone south, or they basically hibernated for a long period of time. Hey, it happens.
Just because you take a shot doesn’t necessarily mean you score. That’s not how life works.
The same plays out in investments. Just because you studied the stock or studied an investment opportunity, and you are very thorough about doesn’t necessarily mean the amount of work you put in order to research that investment will necessarily translate to investment success. The two things often run on independent tracks.
With that said, a lot of these investments that used to be sleeping are now basically showing signs of life and things are beginning to pan out in the Scorpio March Horoscope.
The key here is to overcome your tendency to be impatient and just let them flower.
The most important days in March for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are March 3rd, March 5th and March 8th 2022.
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – April 2022
In the month of April 2022, the Scorpio career and money forecast points to awkwardness. Things are going to be quite awkward this month for Scorpio.
At your job, there will be some sort of changes that would involve you working with projects that you know for sure, you are not a master of. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
The problem is your positioning within the project. All eyes will be on you and considering how you often have a paranoid streak to you; you feel that at some level or other, people are expecting you to fail. This is precisely what makes this situation awkward.
The reality is they don’t want you to fail. Think about it. If you are in a team and a team member fails, guess what, you would have to do the work. So as a result, team members most of the time rooting for each other. It depends on how the team is set up.
The good news is that your team is set up in such a way that if somebody fails, everybody else takes the hit. This is the best news possible because this way you don’t have to feel like you’re on the spot.
You can basically just work on raising everybody’s morale, focusing on the objectives straight ahead, and giving it all you’ve got. When it comes to passion, Scorpios can definitely bring it so bring it in the month of April 2022.
Key days in April for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are April 8th, April 13th, and April 27th 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – May 2022
May’s Scorpio career horoscope is focused on appreciation. It seems that a lot of the team work that you got into April is beginning to pan out. In many cases, your tendency to basically look out for yourself and forget everybody else is heavily suppressed and your ability as a team leader is shining forth.
This has gotten very influential people to give you a second look. You have to remember, you probably got bypassed for promotion or business deal previously. The good news is these important people are giving you another look because of the group victory that you achieved that dates from April 2022.
If anything, May 2022 is going to be all about not blowing a great deal for Scorpio signs.
Unfortunately, Scorpios, being typical emotional signs, often snatch defeat from the jaws of victories. Seriously.
There are many cases in your life where things look like they’re going to pan out in the brightest way possible, and all of a sudden you let your emotions get the best of you, and you switch from victory to defeat.
Don’t let that happen in May 2022 as far as your career and money issues are concerned.
Key days in May for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are May 3rd, May 18th, and May 19th 2022.
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – June 2022
In the month of June, the Scorpio career and money horoscope is all about unpredictability.
There are many ways to deal with unpredictability. Most Americans don’t like unpredictability because they equate it with weakness and feeling that they don’t have any control.
The reality is that we live in an uncontrolled world. If you are going to look around with the delusion that you can control everything around you, you’re basically basing your happiness and peace of mind on things that don’t exist.
Many Scorpios get this. This is why they would rather base their identity on their tendency to become intense. If that is the direction your personality is oriented towards, continue with it. You probably will achieve more success that way than trying to control things around you.
You simply don’t have enough information and resources to achieve the high level of control that many people around you think you need to do. So just follow your own and drummer and focus on one thing at a time. By simplifying things and breaking them down into smaller doable parts, you increase your likelihood of success.
The most important days in June for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are June 3rd, June 22nd, and June 30th 2022.
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – July 2022
In the month July, the Scorpio career and money forecast points towards defeat. You might be a little bit discouraged reading this.
You might even be shocked. But the defeat that I’m talking about is the kind of defeat that people need to suffer so that they can grow.
You have to remember that if you’re not challenged, you cannot change. It really is that simple. Success is the worst teacher in the world. However, failure is a master teacher. Know the difference.
Too many people are so scared of failure that they keep running away from it and end up failing in many different ways. It’s much better to look at defeat in the eyes, smile, and understand that it’s there to teach you.
It’s not there to destroy you. It’s not there to humiliate you. It’s not there to completely vaporize your future chances. It’s there to teach you a lesson.
You’ve spent several months basically skirting and dodging failure. Well, guess what? Failure will happen in 2022 in a much unexpected way. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. It doesn’t have to be some sort of outsized, spectacular production. It doesn’t have to take the form of epic proportions.
The failure that is most profound is the failure that is most personal. Keep this in mind when it comes to your career and money forecast for July 2022.
The key days in July for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are July 7th, July 8th, and July 30th 2022.
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – August 2022
In August the Scorpio career and money forecast is going to concentrate on consolidation.
The failures of July at the very least produced one significant victory. That victory is that it opened your eyes to the power of introspection.
One of the biggest weaknesses of Scorpio people is that they’re so intense that they think that their intensity produces meaning.
In other words, as long as your emotions are lined up in a certain way, and you have a certain target in front of you, you are doing well. This is completely false.
You have to be emotionally authentic as well. Just because you’re intense about a lie doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing the right thing. A lie is a lie. Self-deception is self-destruction.
Self-delusion doesn’t really get you anywhere. At the very least, even if you’re able to achieve the focus of your ambition and drive, at the end of the day, you will be defeated, empty, and bitter. That’s not exactly a winning ending.
August 2022 will bring many key self-realization and truths that can really point you into the right direction. You have a powerful gift. Your intensity can really help you go places in life. Use it the right way. Use your gift in the way it would truly benefit you. This is what August 2022 is all about.
The most important days in August for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are August 8th, August 9th, and August 22nd 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – September 2022
In the month of September, the Scorpio money and career forecast points to restlessness. It seems that a lot of the realizations you had regarding your career, the way you handled your money as well as your financial ambitions has you unsettled to say the least.
There’re two ways to look at this. You can look at unsettled as being a form of weakness. Of course, many people think that stability and solidity are very positive things.
However, if you live your life on the lie or misunderstanding, that’s not really a very solid life.
It’s like placing your faith and life into something that doesn’t really make any sense.
By the same token, if you’re feeling confused because the truth hit you in the face like a 2×4, it is not necessarily a bad thing because at least you are dealing with truth.
You are dealing with things the way they exist and the way they are.
It really truly is your choice. You can run to the past with its false hopes and misleading sense of security or you can embrace the truth regarding your career choices, the way you handle your money, and other financial realities with open arms. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the truth will not sting but at the very least, it shall set you free.
The key days in September for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are September 1st, September 11th, and September 30th 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – October 2022
In October, the Scorpio career and money horoscope is going to turn on the concept of solidity.
In previous months, there have been a lot of movements. There’s been a lot of soul searching. There’ve been a lot of big questions asked.
This can lead to a very unsettled feeling. This can lead to a lot of long, cherished concepts being broken down with very little to replace it. In many cases, it’s very easy to feel defeated, empty, and frankly, discouraged from all this internal turmoil often triggered by the external realities of your career, your business, or your financial issues.
The good news is that real personal growth often involves destroying the past and piecing it back together into a form that not just makes sense now but gives you a strategic advantage for the future. The reality is that we choose our happiness. We choose who we become. We choose the kind of world we live in.
Our choice of the internal world reflects our external reality.
This is what’s going to happen in October 2022. Many of your choices here will impact your financial standing for many months to come.
This is why it’s important to make sure to have a clear idea regarding what you’re working with. If you are working with some sort of misunderstanding or like a misplaced confidence in things that really don’t exist in terms of finances, chances are there will be a massive letdown in the future.
The most important days in October for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are October 8th, October 13th, and October 19th 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – November 2022
In the month of November, the Scorpio money and career horoscope is going to paint a very hopeful picture.
Hope is a very elusive word when it comes to Scorpios. In many cases, you tend to define hope purely in emotional terms. Hope is your hope of getting even with somebody. Hope is your concept of finally settling scores.
The good news is that hope is a bigger word than that. Hope is a bigger concept than simply getting even with somebody or returning hurt for hurt. Hope is really all about who you become and what you have to offer in the future.
There’s a lot to be hopeful come November because a lot of seemingly impossible things with your career are beginning to pan out. As mentioned above, seeds that you planted in the past actually begin to show signs of progress, and this can further increase the level of hope that you have.
If you think about it, the human condition is really very fragile and the most important thing that we can, the most powerful thing that we can do in many cases is our hope. Where we base our hope is usually where we get a lot of power from.
Keep this in mind because it’s easy to continue with a very negative mindset and this can lead to a prolonged period of self-sabotage as far as your personal finances and career are concerned.
The most important days in October for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are November 14th, November 19th and November 21st 2022
Scorpio Career and Money Horoscope – December 2022
It’s the end of the year. People are giving gifts to each other. People are in a jovial mood.
It’s a good idea as far as Scorpio career and money forecast is concerned to share in the season of giving. You might feel that you are already a giver, but guess what, allow yourself to give to charity. Allow yourself to compliment people freely.
Allow yourself to appreciate others liberally come December 2022.
What’s in it for me? Well, the biggest gift you can give yourself is peace of mind. When you are able to let go and just basically allow yourself to be an intensely, emotional, and caring person without being overly defensive; things can look up for you as far as your career and money prospects are concerned.
People would be able to see that you are a more complicated and nuanced than they originally thought. This can lead to the right people, giving you the right attention which can lead to solid career and financial gains in the future.
You have to remember that, for the most part, of the financial world is a cooperative world. You don’t become a success purely from your effort. I mean, it happens but what’s more frequent is when other people pull you up. Keep this in mind.
The most important days in December for Scorpios’ career and money horoscope are December 7th , December 19th , and December 20th 2022.
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