Jupiter in Leo Traits
Jupiter in Leo brings hope to the demanding and (sometimes perfectionist) Leo. The Hopeful nature of Jupiter, along with the Masculine Fire of a Leo show a mix of perfectionism and hope.
Watch out if your boss is this type of person—you will be challenged every day, and taken to task almost as often.
Jupiter in Leo can also be studied through the parallel effects Jupiter has on the other two Fire Signs.
Jupiter is an optimistic force, but perhaps it should be noted that respect should always be shown top Jupiter. This Ruling Planet of Hope and optimism is sure to catch glances of admirers.
You have a strong intuition, especially with your loved ones. You are considered lucky because your timing always seems just right to maximize your efficiency of care.
Resist becoming a slave robot to routine, but instead, while Jupiter is in Leo—you must act quickly before your chance is gone for years.
With Jupiter in Leo, you will get encouraging insight on how your role fits into—and benefits—you family, relationships, and society, on a larger scale.
Jupiter in Leo is rare and precious those who truly appreciate its transformative powers.
Jupiter in Leo Women
Women with Jupiter in Leo can be stuck in their own ways. You may not be interested in a partner who always wants to play your dates—taking to you places that you would not have chosen.
You are a confident woman but at times the turns to arrogance, which (more often not) leads to failure.
Women with Jupiter in Leo are some of the most loyal mothers, sister, friends, family members, and lovers you could find.
They fall into each feminine (traditional gender role) easily and comfortably—having probably been trained her whole life.
However, another strong force that keeps these women feeling encouraged is the rare presence of Jupiter in Leo.
Leo women are loyal and take a lot of pride in the families and support systems they build, and maintain with teamwork within the community.
Never mess with Leo’s reputation or make them into a public fool. You will not be forgiven, but you will be forgotten.
Jupiter in Leo Men
Men with Jupiter in Leo will be at their strongest when their signs combine, and this is exponentially expanded by another Fire sign standing out in your Zodiac chart.
Leo men like to control situations and people—but also lead with dignity, respect, and integrity.
A Leo Man would never ask his men to work under conditions he would not. A Man with Jupiter brings out the hopeful side of any Lion.
Men with Jupiter in Leo are pragmatic, practical, calm, and thanks to Jupiter—feel hopeful and re-energized.
The quickest way to the heart of a Man with Jupiter in Leo is to appreciate and praise his leadership qualities.
Your King of the Jungle does not want to feel incapable or doubted by his loved ones. There is a reason a group of lions is called ‘a pride’.
Family accomplishments and Jupiter in Leo will bring out your thankful and optimistic side.
After so much success, you may come to expect more and more from your family.
While this might be emotionally taxing for everyone, at first, you will immediately recognize the importance of holding each other the (attainable, but very high) standards.
As teachers know, learns often live up to the expectation set before them.
Jupiter and Leo in Love
Jupiter and Leo in Love are sure to find you your soulmate. Even during the long periods when Jupiter is not visiting Leo, you can still draw from the enormous positive energy given by the Planet.
Remember that Jupiter is not just symbolic of wealth, but abundance. Your blessings from Jupiter are broad enough to cover you when you are apart—when Jupiter is not in Leo.
Your best prospects for love are with a partner who with a partner who will understand that you hold everyone around you to the same high expectations with which you measure your own success.
Leo, you are the leader and must be aware of different skill level your students may have. Do not be discouraged by the amount of work ahead of you, because Jupiter in Leo is here to empower you and lift your self-esteem.
You would benefit from a partner who is generous and added to your wealth and good luck. You come close in the eyes of an adoring fellow Fire and/or masculine energy.
Be the change you want to see. Try to emulate for others what Jupiter does for you, in Leo.
Your worst prospects for love are with a partner who is self-centered and not aligned with your core values.
During years when Jupiter does not visit your Sign, you may adopt the help, luck promised an abundance of your fellow Fire Sign’s blessings.
A Water or Air Sign might not be a good match for you, as they are not as practical as Earth signs.
Dates for Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter last entered Leo on July 16, of 2014. Jupiter will not visit Leo in 2017. Jupiter will not reappear in Leo until June 30, 2026.
Be aware these time tables, just so you do not kick yourself later, for missing such a unique opportunity to experience Jupiter in Leo.
6 Little-Known Facts About Jupiter in Leo
When Jupiter enters Leo, it will then often result in those individuals encountering an array of different thoughts and feelings that need to be processed in their mind. If they are able to comprehend what is going on, then it can be a positive experience in life especially when you look at what it entails, which is why examining these facts can be so important.
1. It offers you a sense of hope.
A Leo is often guilty of being a perfectionist, or at least being quite demanding.
Jupiter in Leo has the ability to provide you with an overwhelming sense that you will be able to achieve, or move on from this point, in connection to whatever has been on your mind for some time.
If you have been coming up against a brick wall, then just know that you have the solution and power to go ahead and get through this difficult time.
2. Your intuition is strong.
Jupiter in Leo is also going to indicate that your intuition is both strong as well as true, which is certainly something to celebrate.
People may believe that you are lucky as things tend to go your way, but you know that it is more about timing and knowing when to do the right thing.
3. You have insight into your life.
When this combination occurs, you will also be able to develop a real insight into your life and that alone is going to provide you with the chance to really become aware of the best way to deal with a multitude of events and potential issues.
You have a great chance to change the way in which you can view things and enjoy the positivity that comes with it.
4. You may have an issue with changing your way of doing things.
One potential issue with the female side of things is that you can often end up being rather stuck when it comes to attempting to change your way of doing things.
There is a tendency to largely refuse to do it thanks to a mixture of reasons, but there is no doubt that it can become your undoing at different times.
5. You have exceptional loyalty.
With Jupiter in Leo, there is also a very real sense of you having an exceptional level of loyalty towards everybody that you feel close to in your life.
However, people better not think that they can treat you like a fool as you are certainly a lot wiser than that.
6. It brings a natural leadership.
There is also the idea that you are a natural leader, and when this combination occurs, then that leadership concept is super-charged.
Others look to you for strength and wisdom, and you are going to hate to disappoint them at any point.
Overall, there is no doubt that Jupiter in Leo is capable of bringing out an array of strengths inside of you that you are then able to put to good use.
However, it makes sense that you need to be aware of how to do this, or you could miss out on a variety of opportunities.
Final Thoughts
Be aware of the ally you have in Jupiter, who only wants the best for you. You will find love and fulfillment when you find you are not tied to only the dates that Jupiter is in your Sign to appreciate the positive energy it gives you.
Internalize the precious energy of the Planet of Hope. When you are able to do this, you can also share Jupiter’s love and encouragement with others.
You will benefit greatly from understanding the role hope plays in your success in finding love and fulfillment, no matter your Sign or your current circumstance.
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