Jupiter in Taurus Traits
Jupiter is the Ruling Planet of Generosity and Trust. Taurus is symbolized by the Bull; you are a Fixed Earth Sign, so you can be a bit stubborn.
Be aware, that since you are an Earth Sign, Jupiter might also bring a sense of feeling a bit irresponsible with all you are being given by generous Jupiter.
When Jupiter is in Taurus, you will be compelled and encouraged to be more generous towards others than usual.
You may find Jupiter’s energies of Generosity and Trust manifest in you as wanting to be a more attentive listener for your friends, give to a charity, or donate your time as a volunteer.
Jupiter in Taurus will compel and encourage you to find a way to be more giving towards those you love, and those you don’t even know—and this is a path to love and fulfillment.
Jupiter in Taurus Women
Women with Jupiter in Taurus will experience wealth and abundance, especially in financial and tangible matters.
It is essential to remember that your Sign is obsessed with the 5 senses.
Jupiter in Taurus will bring your senses generous amounts of new knowledge about other cultures, music, art, food, and/or other sensory experiences.
Try to be as discerning as possible, as Jupiter in your Earth sign is not the strongest time for wise decisions.
You have a gift to divide your abundance when you are feeling grateful and fulfilled. This sharing and caregiving free up room for Jupiter to bring even more blessings into your life.
Use this valuable time when Generous Jupiter is in Taurus to graciously receive blessings of trust, togetherness, and happiness in your romantic partnership.
Practice an attitude of gratitude for all your loved ones, and the efforts they make for you.
Because of your deep appreciation for and high sensitivity to sensory stimulation, you desire material rewards—not because you are shallow, but because they are tangible.
Jupiter in Taurus Men
Men with Jupiter in Taurus usually come from a wealthy family, a family rich in resources, and/or is a good investor, himself.
These men are wise in finding and distributing wealth to others—especially when taking care of loved ones.
This man is a provider, and most likely wants to spoil his family with material goods, but also give back to his community.
He will spoil you with physical things that make you feel seen and special. He may remember an outfit you like and buy it for you, or if he’s a real big spender—he might even take you somewhere in a private plane or pay your rent.
He’s not a creepy sugar daddy, but this man will want to indulge all your senses in luxury.
You can expect Jupiter in Taurus (even when on a budget) to cater to your sensual side—your favorite drink, flowers, a blanket to cuddle under, a beautiful piece of jewelry or art, or a homemade meal.
Once a Taurus man has committed to you, he will stay. He may be tempted by sensory motivations, so show him your gratitude and affection at all times.
This man is investing his love in you, and he wants to see a return on that investment.
Calm his mind and show him you love him by indulging his senses—especially in the bedroom, while Jupiter is in Taurus.
Jupiter and Taurus in Love
In Love, Jupiter and Taurus may bring what feels like turbulent times. Remember, however, that your abundance is being found in you both being rich in opinion and voice.
You and your partner should be open to learning from other friends, couples, and cultures—try to adopt things from each that might work for you too.
Your best prospects for Love are with a partner who can show you that your trust in them is never in vain.
Because you are stubborn at times, you need someone who is steadfast and not easily triggered or angered. Your partner might be a Cancer, the constant comforter.
A Cancer will tend to your sensory needs because they are natural homemakers and caregivers. Be aware that you might sometimes feel like they want to stay home too much.
However, you just need to voice your concern, when generous and trusting Jupiter is in Taurus. You will be rewarded with love and fulfillment.
Your worst prospects for Love are with a partner who will be aloof to your sensory needs.
If you feel that a lover is not physically affectionate or attractive enough, if they aren’t making an effort to hold and touch you, or you feel neglected, you will be tempted to stray.
Don’t depend on a Watery Pisces or Airy Aquarius to fulfill all of your needs, in love. These partners might love you and mean well, but also come across to you as aloof or a bit self-indulgent.
They will need a lot of space and time alone, to reflect and grow. Be aware that you need someone who will be more supportive, especially when Generous and Trusting Jupiter is in your Sign, Taurus.
Dates for Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter takes about 1 year to move through each sign of the Zodiac, taking about 12 years to complete one cycle through all 12 Signs.
So, Jupiter enters Taurus about every 12 years. Jupiter entered Taurus on February 14, 2000, and on June 4, 2011. The next time Jupiter will enter Taurus will be on May 16, 2023. The next visit is scheduled for April 29, 2035.
Retrogrades occurring this cycle are as follows: On November 11, 2016, Jupiter goes Retrograde.
On February 6, 2017, Jupiter goes Stationary and then goes Stationary Direct on June 9, 2017. Jupiter exits Retrograde on September 6, 2017.
5 Little-Known Facts About Jupiter in Taurus
With Jupiter in Taurus, there is little doubt that it does have the potential to directly influence your life like never before.
However, you need to be aware of what it may be able to do for you in order to understand as to whether or not you have allowed yourself to be open to the idea of allowing its powers to come into your life. To make things easier, studying several facts will help to paint a clearer picture.
1. You may feel rather generous towards others.
You will often be quite generous towards other people, but this is something that is just ramped up even higher than before when Jupiter enters Taurus.
However, this generosity is not misplaced as you are still wary as to who you interact with as you are cautious when it comes to the possibility of people trying to take advantage of you, which you will avoid at all costs.
2. You become a better listener.
With this combination, you are going to undoubtedly become a better listener for family and close friends, which is certainly something that they will appreciate.
They feel as if they have got your full attention, and not only that, you will also be able to dispense some pretty good advice which they will happily take due to their trust in you.
3. Your senses are enlightened.
Thanks to Jupiter coming into Taurus, women will experience their senses being enlightened and pushed wide open to discovering new things.
This is exciting and is something that you will embrace as you have no idea where it will head, but you are longing to find out.
It may be experiencing a new culture, food, music, anything that you care to imagine, but only if you want to.
4. You are good with money.
Thanks to Jupiter in Taurus, you will often be rather good with money as well as there being a tendency that you come from a wealthy background as well.
This ties in with the idea of there being abundance, but you do not only inherit it as you are also good at investing and avoiding wasting money in various areas.
5. A man will satisfy your sensual needs.
For a man that has Jupiter in Taurus, there will be a tendency for them to have the desire to satisfy your sensual needs, and they will be pretty good at doing so.
They will be excellent at remembering things that excite you or mean something to you, and they will be full of surprises. Life will certainly never be boring.
Ultimately, Jupiter in Taurus is a good combination that really gets in touch with your inner soul and what makes it tick.
It will encourage you to explore new areas like never before, and with the belief and faith it places inside of you, there is little doubt that it is going to make a very real difference to the way in which you view life.
Final Thoughts
Be very aware that your abundance and excitement don’t lead you down a path of gluttonous or wasteful behavior. This can, of course, be tempting.
Fight these negative ways by redirecting your extra blessings—to charity or simply to a friend-in-need.
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