Jupiter in Libra Traits
Jupiter is the Ruling Planet of Generosity and Trust. Libra is symbolized by the Scales—the only inanimate object in all the 12 Zodiac symbols.
This does not mean you have no heart. Rather, you are the most objective and just. You favor fairness, above all, which is multiplied by Jupiter’s generosity, when Jupiter is in Libra.
When Jupiter is in Libra, you have the power to open yourself fully to new relationships, or even to end an unhealthy one.
You will feel fulfillment through your acts that further the social justice situation in your community.
You will find love in multiple areas of your life at this time because you are most receptive to the compromises that might need to be made on your part.
Jupiter in Libra will strengthen you to the point of being able to take these hard, and rewarding, steps.
Jupiter in Libra Women
Women with Jupiter in Libra will be more energized to enrich their relationships with others. Your capability for empathy will expand during this time, allowing you to be closer to those you love, as well as your community.
Generous Jupiter in Libra will nurture your senses of equality and fairness, and give you new ideas on how to manifest these qualities in your life.
You will find fulfillment in setting a tone of fairness in your home life. Talk to your loved ones about any inequalities they perceive in your relationship.
You will benefit from airing any problems now, while Jupiter is in Libra, because this is the height of your ability to be objective about your relationships, and take the necessary steps to get where you would like to be.
Jupiter in Libra Men
Men with Jupiter in Libra will be extra sure to make you feel like an equal. This man will be progressive in his attitude towards women in the home, workplace, and community.
He is likely a self-labeled feminist, with strong ties to his mother.
This man will be happy to split the bill if you’d like. However, Generous Jupiter in Libra might make this man want to spoil you and shower you with gifts and affection.
Be sure to reciprocate his generosity—remember Libras are all about fairness! Be aware that Jupiter also rules Trust, so this will be a major factor in your relationship.
Mutual trust is a turn on for this man. He will be very receptive to anything you ask or tell him, especially with Jupiter in Libra.
Be sure to show your gratitude for his unbiased and honest viewpoint on your relationship, and you will find love and fulfillment.
Jupiter and Libra in Love
In Love, Jupiter and Libra will guide you toward a faithful partner. Jupiter is the Ruling Planet of Vision and Expansion, and Libra, the Scales, blindly weigh pros and cons in relationships.
You are great at risk-management analysis, and you are usually careful with your heart. Let your intuition guide you when Jupiter is in Libra, and you will find love and fulfillment.
Your best prospects in Love are with a partner who will be honest, fair, and pull their weight in the relationship. If you agree to a division of labor, whatever it is—make sure it is fair.
For instance, if you stay at home while he works full-time, your man will probably expect you to take great care of your home and family’s needs.
This may be seen as very wrong from the outside, but if you are both fine with the arrangement, and you don’t feel taken advantage of, then screw what anyone thinks!
You would most likely match well with an Aquarius or a fellow Libra. While you would make a great partner for many, you might not be fully fulfilled by those same people.
You need the open-mindedness of an Aquarius or another Air Sign. You might also benefit from pairing with a Libra because you approach the relationship as logical, considerate, and equal halves of the whole.
Your worst prospects in Love are with a partner who will leave you feeling like you are carrying them.
You may even fall into the unfortunate trap of pairing with someone who enables you to dominate them in an unhealthy way, so be aware of inequalities from both people’s perspective.
You might feel a Leo is entirely too self-involved and too much of a perfectionist for your balanced nature.
You might also be discouraged if dating a Taurus or an Aries because their stubborn ways will clash with your sense of growth through healthy debate.
Dates for Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter entered Libra on September 24, 2004, and on September 9, 2016, staying until October 10, 2017.
Because Jupiter’s cycle through all the Signs takes approximately 12 years, the next time Jupiter enters Libra will be on August 24, 2028. The visit after that predicts Jupiter entering Libra on December 12, 2039.
Retrogrades occurring this cycle are as follows: On November 11, 2016, Jupiter goes Retrograde.
On February 6, 2017, Jupiter goes Stationary and then goes Stationary Direct on June 9, 2017. Jupiter exits Retrograde on September 6, 2017.
6 Little-Known Facts About Jupiter in Libra
Even though Libra is often viewed as being the sign with most balance, it is still interesting to look at the facts that surround Jupiter when it enters into this particular house.
When you do this, you will then find that it is easier to understand the way in which it could potentially have an impact on your life, but only if you are willing to allow this to happen.
1. It allows you to open up to new relationships.
When Jupiter is in Libra, you are going to discover that you are far more open to the possibility of brand new relationships.
At the same time, it may also mean that you discover you have the strength to go ahead and finally bring an end to a relationship of any kind that has been working against you or is just bad in any essence of the word.
2. You will be strong enough to move forward in life.
Often, you are apprehensive about moving forward in life, but Jupiter is about to give you the strength that you seek. It reminds you of who you are and the positives that surround you.
It tells you that you have inner strength that you were perhaps not even aware of, and then it encourages you to learn how to use that strength for your own good.
3. You will become more empathetic.
Women in Libra have a tendency to have a great deal of empathy, but during this phase they will discover that they have even more of it than they thought possible.
You will feel the pain and suffering of everyone around you, so you need to be aware of this or it may start to really get you down with the range of emotions that you would then experience.
4. They make people feel that they are equal.
A man with this combination is going to go out of his way to make sure that anybody in his life is going to be made to feel equal in every sense of the word.
In fact, they will go out of their way to do this simply because they know how important it will be for people to feel that they are on an even footing.
5. They are exceptionally fair.
Libra is known as a sign that encourages fairness, and when Jupiter comes into the equation, you will then discover that they are exceptionally fair beyond anything that you may have previously experienced.
However, do not take advantage of this as that will irk them.
6. You are objective.
When Jupiter is in the equation, you will find that you become even more objective than before, and this could take some getting used to.
There is a need to understand clearly where you are going and why to make sure you take the appropriate steps.
Ultimately, Jupiter in Libra will prove to show that the individual is fair, honest, and reliable at all times.
They have the shoulder for you to cry on, and they will not judge you either, so do not abuse this position that they will place you in.
Final Thoughts
Libra, be aware that the idea of being weighed on your Scales or held to your standard may seriously freak out some of your potential lovers.
Show grace and open your mind to newness while Jupiter is in Libra. Jupiter will bless you in finding love and fulfillment through a willingness to change.
Of all the Zodiac, you are fair-minded. Trust that your openness will be rewarded. Show gratitude to your loved ones, and make sure that you are putting at least as much into your relationships as you hope to gain from them.
After all, you’re not allowed to be ‘more equal’, so do not fall into the trap of feeling superior in your fairness.
In other words, stay humble and gracious. Never boast about your blessings. Speak with a grateful tone, especially while Jupiter is in Libra.
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