Mars in Libra

Mars in Libra

Mars in Libra will demonstrate the Fiery and Masculine influence of Mars on top of their Feminine Ruling Planet, Venus’s seductive ways.

You are quite the charmer and exhibit the best and the hottest of both genders, and in between.

You are open-minded and objective; note that your Zodiac symbol is the only non-living (therefore unbiased) of the 12 Signs.

Mars in Libra Traits

You search for balance, truth, and justice for all people, led by the Love you get from Venus.  You share this love and treat others fairly.

Your feelings get hurt when loved ones treat you unfairly or take advantage of you, and you take it very personally.

Try to be as unbiased even when hurt, as you are the rest of the time—it will take practice, but it’s possible.

Mars in Libra Women

Women with Mars in Libra are polished.  Chic in style, and effortless in execution, she is the utilitarian Venus.

You seek perfection and acceptance through meticulous attention to detail.  This considerate quality also makes you an amazing friend and lover.

You have remarkable interpersonal intelligence and skills—which helps you at work, in friendships, and especially in bed.

You are an intuitive and sensual lover.  You are an ethereal Air Sign, and you will find fulfillment and love when you seek the balance of passion and commitment.

You have a very high libido, you are an intellectual lover, and you get super turned-on by stimulating conversation and people who stick to their word.

Honesty is the best (and the most attractive) policy, for Libras.

Your style is chic and sophisticated—streamlined like your rationale.  You are almost Spartan in some of your harsh tendencies and ideologies.

You are powerful, reserved and open to persuasive arguments, due to your being a Moveable Air Sign.

You benefit greatly from peer respect and love to be in control of large projects and/or groups of people.

You are a take-charge, badass when it comes to being honest with your emotions and initiating change where you find it is necessary.

You love to shake things up and see where they land.  Because you hold no prejudices, you may upset others with your fair and forward thinking—never for a minute let these idiotic haters ruin your good time.

Mars in Libra Men

Men with Mars in Libra will be easily offended by a partner who snubs their seductive ways.  If you are cold to a Libra, expect to get the same treatment.

They are fair.  Sometimes painfully so.  Remember that your Zodiac symbol is the balanced, but literally heartless and unfeeling, Scales.

So, you will be sensitive to any fluctuations or transfers of power or emotional stability in those close to your heart—and a Man with Mars in Libra feels this, too.

Mars and Libra in Love

Mars and Libra in Love are both warriors and champions of Love.  Libra will seek the Justice and fairness promised in Love.  Mars in Libra intensifies this passion.

Unfairness is the enemy of the Scales, and the Scales always get the last word, especially when Mars is in Libra.

These men are more intuitive than many others, because they are so in tune with the balance in a relationship, that they notice immediately when something ‘feels off’.

This man will be reliable in both business and love because he takes only calculated risks.

This man will not gamble more than he can afford to lose—which also applies to how he will not risk losing you by cheating or being abusive.

Dates for Mars in Libra

Mars enters Libra on October 22nd.  Mars will not enter the next Sign until December 9th.  Be sure to use this precious time to clear up any cloudy perceptions in your relationships.

You are so loving and charismatic, that sometimes people might read more into your attention than you meant to offer.

You might often find yourself on ‘dates’ you thought were just hang sessions, and you forget how attractive you are to those around you, especially when you have Mars in Libra.

Your best prospects in love are with a partner who also values fairness, honesty, justice, and equality.

You will love a partner who has a humanitarian streak. Loves to volunteer, or has a heart for animals.

You are attracted to partners who are nurturers and high-minded thinkers or spiritually open people.

You would get along well with an Aquarius or a Pisces, in that you all seek universal truths as your primary source of faith in life—and when Mars is in Libra.

Your worst prospects in love are with a partner who is too self-involved.  The Cancer lover will try to comfort you into a box, but you just do not fit.

You are too big of a personality to be sheltered in one place for too long and would benefit from a Pisces.

A Pisces partner needs alone time to think, and will encourage you to do the same—broadening your horizons is something you will have in common with both Aquarius and Pisces, in the long-term of commitment—especially with Mars in Libra.

7 Little-Known Facts About Mars in Libra

There can be little doubting the presence of Mars in Libra with the way in which it is able to transform the way that you feel about yourself as well as your place in the world.

However, it does make life substantially easier when you have a better understanding of the facts that surround this combination, which is what we can look at right here.

1. You are a real charmer.

When this combination arrives, you will find that those individuals influenced by it have a tendency to be a real charmer.

There is a sense of you having real balance in your life, and you are also open-minded to everything in the world, and there is certainly no concept of you being biased in any way.

2. You can be quite sensitive.

There is also no doubt that you can be quite sensitive when it comes to your feelings and them potentially being hurt.

This is especially true when it is somebody that you are close to that is responsible for hurting them as you despise being taken advantage of or people treating you unfairly when you are so giving to them.

3. You tend to be rather polished.

When it comes to both your style as well as your personality, then you will often be rather polished and see yourself as being somewhat close to the finished article.

However, this can sometimes come across as being rather over-confident, so it could push people away from you if you are not careful.

4. You have a real sense of intuition.

You will also have a real sense of intuition when Mars is in Libra, and this will certainly be more than capable of guiding you through life and the various problems that can arise.

You are viewed as being quite wise in your approach to life, and will take calculated risks when the time calls for it.

5. You love to be in love.

Mars in Libra will also often indicate that you simply love to be in love, and that is not exactly a bad place to be in.

Saying that, you are still not the type of person that is going to just jump into another relationship as you are wary of being hurt, so caution is the absolute key.

6. You are cold to people that are cold to you.

The way that you act is easy to understand. If you perceive someone as being cold to you, then you will have no problem in doing the exact same back to them.

The good news is that people will quickly learn that this is the case, and they will then act accordingly.

7. You are rather fair in your thoughts and opinions.

Finally, you are viewed by most as being rather fair when it comes to your thoughts and opinions.

At times, this can lead you into problems, but you have the strength of your convictions to help you through those times.

There is little doubt that Mars in Libra is going to result in something happening that is extremely powerful in nature and it can easily turn you into something of a force to be reckoned with.

Final Thoughts

You will find love and fulfillment when your Scales find the perfect balance between being the judge and being accepting of other’s faults.

You will benefit from learning from those around you.  Your unprejudiced mind will be molded by intellect, rationale, and compassion, thanks to the influence of Venus and Love.

You will find self-discipline and motivation within just and truthful parameters—not one to lie to get what you want.

You are noble to sacrifice in the name of Justice.  Make sure not to play a martyr, but rather to further your cause and maintain a healthy relationship with reality and those around you.

Make sure to show gratitude towards those you love.

You may sometimes seem cold and less than compassionate, but in your heart of hearts you are a sweet soul, and you will be re-energized with Mars in Libra.

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