The Empress tarot card is all about the expression of female energy, artistic pursuits, and intuitive powers.
She is all about feminine power, natural beauty, burning passion, raw emotion, and strong intuition.
She is the guide towards nature and beauty. She embodies nurturing and caring, like the Queen of Wands.
The Empress is surrounded by thriving and beautiful nature, which represents her emotional profundity and deep connection with mother Earth.
Her sitting position signifies her peacefulness and femininity. Her soft and flowy frock which is adorned with pomegranates symbolizes fertility, and her crown of stars symbolize her cosmic connection.
Underneath her, you can see the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love / beauty. The Empress signifies abundance in beauty and love through a deep connection with nature and the universe.
She symbolizes feminine power. She is elusive, complex, mysterious, and seductive, like the characteristics of the Lovers tarot card. She is emotional and passionate.
She is love and abundance. She is also the feminine counterpart of the Emperor.
The Empress Tarot and Love
When it comes to the romance department, the Empress tarot is a highly positive card. It means that it’s a great time for love.
If you’re single, there’s a big chance that you will meet the person you were meant to be with sooner rather than later.
You will be excited to know that men and women alike suddenly find you interesting and attractive. This can apply for both platonic and non-platonic relationships.
It can also mean time spent with someone who shares the same creative and emotional desires. It can also mean healing, and coming together.
This can be the time that true love will come your way. So don’t rely too much on Tinder and Facebook. Get yourself out there and connect with new people!
For those in committed relationships, the Empress signifies relationships becoming sweeter, deeper, stronger, and truer. You will mature and the relationship will benefit from it.
The relationship will be richer, more intimate, and more fulfilling, as the Empress also represents sensuality and emotions.
Trying to have a baby? Now is a good a time as any to start trying!
When it comes to love, the Empress is the feminine power formed by softness and strength. It represents unconditional love, with which you follow your heart but not tolerate behavior that does not celebrate love.
The Empress Tarot and Money
When it comes to money, the Empress tarot denotes an excellent time to invest. It is a positive sign with regard to wealth.
Money flow is good, and you are doing all the right things to make sure that it goes on that way.
Of course, without forgetting to share with the less fortunate or with causes that you strongly believe in.
In business, the Empress tarot signals a time of rewards and abundance. New ideas keep coming through. Goals are being met. Projects are being completed on time.
If there have been struggles in the past, the Empress tarot is the universe’s way of telling you to be more creative and more inspired to work on your artistic capabilities.
The Empress is often portrayed as pregnant. If you pull this card on your deck, it can symbolize a life that is pregnant with promise, abundant with opportunities.
And just like waiting for nine months before the baby comes out, the promise comes with a waiting period, too. We have to wait before our dreams and desires become a reality.
The Empress Tarot’s Meaning for the Future
The Empress tarot and the future can only spell great and wonderful things.
Can’t stop thinking about the amazing connection you felt with that guy from the IT department? He can’t wait to kiss you on your second date.
Are you in a relationship at the moment? A wedding can be in the horizon. Have you been putting in more hours at work to see a project through?
The positive word of mouth from your clients can elevate your status and your business reach.
It’s always a good sign. It may be that you will not reach dizzying heights for now, but you can always enjoy your peaceful plateau.
In a metaphoric sense, the Empress represents the birth of an idea, a project, or a new way of living. This will only be made possible if you spend time surrounded by nature.
Instead of a staycation at some fancy hotel, why not head out to the woods, gaze at the stars, sleep in tents, bird watch, or hike up a mountain?
This is the only way you can connect with nature and ponder life and the beyond.
Do it as often as you can, and never lose your sense of wonder.
The Empress Tarot Card and its Meaning for Health
The Empress card is certainly seen as being rather powerful and she is also viewed as being the highest card for both motherhood as well as femininity.
It also has a number of major positive connotations in connection with the card, and this applies to both male and female even though there are clearly slightly different messages to be found.
When it comes to the health section of the draw, then you are looking at the Empress card bringing with it a selection of good signs that will lead to you feeling far more settled about your health in general.
Also, as she is linked to motherhood, then it may indicate that there is a pregnancy on the horizon and that things will then go well with it.
However, if you are not wanting to get pregnant, then this is to be viewed as being a warning that you must take the relevant precautions or you could easily run into trouble.
In this instance, it is certainly very much like a fertility symbol.
If you are also at the point where a pregnancy is not going to be linked to your health, or even health worries, then the Empress card does still have a useful message that she is trying to give to you.
With this, she is trying to get you to take stock of what you are doing and that you need to listen to your body and understand what it is trying to say.
You must also pay attention to how much energy you have available and do seek to unwind whenever possible as this is going to help to preserve your health as much as possible.
Should you draw the Empress in reverse, then it does not mean that there are going to be a series of health issues that will be coming your way.
Instead, it is further strengthening the idea that you need to be thinking more carefully about your health whenever you can.
It tells you to do some exercise and that you may be suffering from a sense of apathy or depression which can be lifted.
Perhaps the only negative associated with this card in reverse is that it may indicate that there is either an unplanned pregnancy, or one where there have been problems with it, or where those problems may be further ahead.
It tells you to just watch out and be careful in order to counteract any of those possible problems.
Overall, the Empress card is going to be a great one for you to get within your health sector as it does indicate that things are on the move and that it will all be for the better.
However, you do need to listen more intently to your own self to get a better understanding of what is going on with your health and to potentially identify problems at the earliest opportunity.
By drawing her, you will certainly be able to look forward to better health over a period of time.
My Final Thoughts on the Empress Tarot
The Empress tarot is ruled by the planet Venus. Essentially, this signifies love and beauty, art and pleasure.
When you pull this card from the deck, it just means that you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, and headed to where you’re supposed to be going.
You are on the right track! Congratulations!
Keep doing things that foster love and wild imagination. Surround yourself with beauty, do what sets your soul on fire, and don’t let your beauty fade. Continue to seek and live the life of pleasure.
Fill your home with happiness and harmony, love and laughter, delicious smells and even delicious-tasting food. Keep on creating beautiful things and work on your happy endings.
The Empress tarot reveals good things to those who deserve them. It indicates hope, abundance, wealth, and finding true love who will love you for your true beauty.
People will gravitate towards you more than usual because of the wisdom and care you give. Now that’s a good sign for you!
If your marriage is on the rocks, or you are planning to start a family, the Empress tarot is a bringer of good news.
That’s because the Empress is associated with maternal influence, and any endeavor that’s closely related will result in success.
Here’s to more creative pursuits, and a new baby in the family! Doesn’t all that sound absolutely exciting?
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