Leo, you are often referred to as a leader of the Zodiac for you are truly regal. When Venus is in Leo, you will be compelled to re-evaluate your current work and home situations.
Your Fiery nature is well-known, and you are well-respected in your communities, especially when influenced by the beautiful Venus.
Venus in Leo Traits
Venus will affect decision-making, in your love life. Venus in your sign shows your approach and openness to love. Venus in Retrograde provides shadow—shade for you to rest and prepare in.
Get your rest while you can. Tie up loose ends, and prepare to open and close life chapters.
Leo, you are graduating to new understandings of your love and commitments all the time. Be aware of your growth. Promote and nurture positive changes within yourself.
You will find fulfillment in self-improvement, especially with Venus in Leo. Venus has such authority over love that marriage forecasts are often still made, according to this goddess planet’s influence.
Venus in Leo Women
The ultimate Venus in Leo trait is that you want to become as generous a lover as possible.
Your associations with terms such as lovemaking goddess, submission, or domination materialize in your visions of this muse.
Treat your mental image of Venus as your aspiration and motivation. Find love for your body and fulfillment within yourself, and then you will be most equipped to handle your lovemaking power, which is enhanced when Venus is in Leo.
You will find love in a soul mate—a partner to share life and love with. Venus will have you floating on a cloud of happiness, and Leo will balance this with precision and deference.
When you feel resistance or struggle in your love life, access the power that Venus is offering you. Make wise decisions and invest your emotions where you think the love can thrive.
Do not be afraid to edit toxic or disruptive people and commitments from your life.
Venus is the planet that rules Devotion, so carefully consider your needs versus your wants, and visualize what you expect from a close friend or partner.
You are worthy of love and fulfillment—of happiness and commitment always—and you will believe this most strongly when Venus is with you.
Venus in Leo Men
When a Leo Man visualizes Venus, he sees his ultimate fantasy come to life. Leo is not vain, but is super visual and will react well when you give him a little eye candy.
Your Leo’s appetite for lovemaking and power will play into your love life, and as long as you both communicate openly, this is great news.
Play into your man’s fantasies, if you are down, and they will place you on the rightful Throne of Your Highness, The Hottest Woman Alive.
Never underestimate the power of a confidence booster. Being with a Leo guy, seeing his lovemaking stamina and confident swagger will fire you right up, and the physical chemistry will stay strong.
Expect this man to stick to his commitments, because a Man with Venus in Leo is looking for a true mate. Be honest and kind and enjoy his talents in bed.
Gratitude and praise will get you a long way with this man. Flattery and false compliments are not likely to go as far.
Make sure that your Leo Man feels like the King of the Castle at home, and nurture his caring tendencies. He will make a protective and loving father and partner.
Venus and Leo in Love
Venus and Leo in Love find a supportive partner in each other.
Remember that Venus represents love, and is also the most fleeting of planetary ingresses—meaning this time is the rarest and valuable for learning love lessons.
Venus is the Planet of value and objective appraisal. Your love is governed by Venus, and you can trust this divine feminine influence over decisions.
Observe patterns of Venus and your behavior patterns within. For example, Venus has short and long cycles. Short bursts of fiery intensity will spring up when Venus in your Sign.
When Venus is in Retrograde, Leo, and Venus cooperate to help you achieve fulfillment, and find love.
Be very open and clear with your loved ones and partner about your feelings during Venus in Retrograde.
You may feel like you are trying to carry on a conversation underwater, or through a brick wall, but perseverance will outlast Retrograde, and you will survive. You find thrive and find love.
Keeping a positive outlook and a sense of gratitude will draw positive energy towards your Venus in Leo, which is especially comforting during Venus in Retrograde.
Your love life will overflow with attention and potential matches. Look for a person who is fun to be around, supports your self-image, and cheers you on.
In Love, Venus and Leo mix lovemaking and ferocity, and you are the result. You are an adventurous partner—in bed and in conversation.
You like to see the big picture, and even play puppet master. Take special care that your partner gets a fair cut of the praise and love they are so generous in dishing out.
Dates for Venus in Leo
It is essential that you keep perspective on Venus in Retrograde—think of this time in the shadow of the ultra-feminine Venus as your minute in the dark wings, before stepping out onto a stage with the spotlight right on you.
This moment of stepping from anticipation to reality is not the time to forget your lines! Use your dormant period to let any emotions settle and your thoughts to become clearer.
From April 6th to April 15th, Venus will be in Retrograde in your territory. You will find that this is the most stable and comfortable time to reassess your budget, your spending habits, or the way you approach money as part of a couple or family.
Venus will bless you again, appearing on August 25th. Make this precious time count, for Mercury in Retrograde is in your near future.
This precious window of time is to be used for thorough reflection and planning.
Short cycles around 18 days in Retrograde every two years, and cyclical echoes every 8 years will become clearer to you if you discuss or journal about emerging patterns or other concerns.
You have all the energy and motivation in the world, Leo, especially when your goddess Venus is by your Sign.
When Venus is in Retrograde, be prepared for stop-and-go traffic in your way. This is a time for pumping the brakes.
Avoid diving into any new business or financial ventures at this time. While Venus in Retrograde is in Leo, you must reflect and meditate on lessons you have been learning.
Cycles of 18-19 months and 8 years will open and close while Venus is in Retrograde.
You will benefit from finding patterns and seeking closure on old chapters, before starting new ones.
Assure yourself there is no need to rush this process and be honest with yourself and with Venus in Retrograde, in your Sign.
Trying to make clear decisions during this time is dangerous—like driving under the influence.
While under Venus’s influence, in Retrograde-shadow, you will want to stay quiet and still—hibernate, grow, and prepare for the upcoming celestial shifts.
6 Little Known Facts About Venus in Leo
When Venus does indeed find its way into Leo, then those people that fall under the auspices of this combination are going to find themselves looking at life and the way in which they view people in a slightly different manner to before.
There is no doubt that the planet has a powerful hold over so many different areas, but the only way in which you are able to really get to grips with this is by looking at facts surrounding this particular combination.
1. You feel the need to re-evaluate aspects of your life.
One thing that is going to happen to you is that there is a real urge to re-evaluate pretty much every single aspect of your life both at work and home.
This is a powerful feeling, but it is not about being critical of what you have done, or are doing, but rather to ascertain if you need to make wholesale changes to things.
2. You have a better understanding of love.
Another positive trait attributed to this combination is the way in which it provides you with a better understanding of love and the way in which it can affect your life.
This allows you to see where you may have been going wrong and also how to aim for the type of love that you deserve in life as we should all be able to experience this at some point.
3. It promotes positive change in your life.
You are going to discover that this combination between planet and star sign is going to result in you feeling more and more drawn into promoting a positive change in your life.
This is something that you will embrace like never before, and you can then see the vast difference that it is able to make if you simply allow things to take their course.
4. You are generous as a lover.
For women that have this combination, there is a real sense of you being very generous as a lover, and that is something that you want to even make more of in life.
You do not want to feel as if your partner is being left out of anything, so you will strive to uncover new ways of boosting your love life whenever possible.
5. He is extremely visual.
A man with this combination needs to be able to visualise anything in life for it to then happen.
They need to see their goal in order to be in a position to achieve it, so they may require some assistance to do this.
6. You do enjoy some praise.
People that are affected by this planetary pull will enjoy getting some praise, and they will seek it wherever possible.
You have to make sure that they get this as it will then spur them onto greater things that may have otherwise been lacking.
As you can see, there is a real surge of energy and positivity whenever this combination effectively strikes.
Make the most of it because when the planet moves out of this sphere of influence, then you will feel differently about things.
Final Thoughts
Where you find struggle, you find a potential for growth. In the most difficult moments of the Venus Retrograde in April, steady yourself with the knowledge that your pain is temporary.
You can endure a lot without losing your charisma. This is your Leo strength, which is perfectly complemented by the loving and goading charm of Venus in your Sign.
Viewing times of reflection and re-assessment in a positive light is essential to finding fulfillment.
Look at potential within the obstacles before you—they all have lessons to teach you, as you wrestle with them. Changing your mind is a sign of strength and mental flexibility.
Take note of major opinion shifts or changes in libido, especially when Venus is in Retrograde in Leo.
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