Jupiter in Cancer Traits
Jupiter is the Ruling Planet of Generosity and Trust. Cancer is symbolized by the Crab. You are always the Hostess with the Mostest!
People love you for your warm and Welcoming nature, as well as your calming Water spirit.
Jupiter in Cancer furthers your already amazing qualities by increasing your generosity, helping your graciously receive blessings, and find love and fulfillment.
When Jupiter is in Cancer, you might feel most spiritually-minded or open. You will also be able to focus and use your self-discipline at this time to not only recognize your material and financial security—but also to either set yourself up for the future or share with those in need right now.
When Jupiter is in Cancer, you are the most compassionate; this is the perfect time to find a charity you are passionate about and find out how you can donate or volunteer.
Jupiter in Cancer Women
Women with Jupiter in Cancer are the grandmother, mother, aunt, and/or older sister you always wanted or always wanted to be for someone.
You are caring, doting, and super thoughtful.
You are the type to remember someone’s favorite meal and cook it for them (or grab some take-out they like, at least). People love to visit your home because it is a true sanctuary.
Your guest room is a coveted one, fit with everything from scented candles and fresh linens to supplying your guests with travel size toiletries and the Wi-Fi password.
Hell, you probably leave chocolates on their pillows. No matter your love language, it will be loud and clear to your loved ones—and this will bring you love and fulfillment, so soak it all up while Jupiter is in Cancer.
Jupiter in Cancer Men
Men with Jupiter in Cancer will keep you feeling safe and provided for. This man will never begrudge supporting your family or household.
He is the ultimate in exemplifying the same Generous nature he shares with Jupiter.
Being an Air Sign, he is high-minded and not so much into gender roles as he is just making sure that you are always safe and taken care of.
Security is the name of the game for Cancer men, and with Generous Jupiter in his Sign, this man will most definitely be going above and beyond for you.
Be sure to show him how grateful and happy you are when he makes this effort. He finds love and fulfillment when you appreciate him.
And he will make you feel loved and appreciated in the bedroom, especially when Jupiter is in Cancer.
Make sure that you do not make him too nervous with your spending habits because financial security is important to him.
Whether or not you share a bank account with this man, do not make him feel that he should distrust you.
Keep an open line of communication about topics like your ongoing commitment to each other, future plans, and the like—this will help assure your man that he will stay happy with you.
Jupiter and Cancer in Love
In Love, Jupiter and Cancer combine to create the feeling that anything is possible.
This is a lucky time for you to search for love, as Generous Jupiter wants you to find someone who appreciates you. Listen to your intuition and trust that you will find fulfillment with the partner you choose.
Your best prospects for Love are with a partner who will show you how much they appreciate what you do for them.
You deserve a partner who says ‘Thank You’ when you bend over backward to please their Mom or do extra chores so that they can sleep in.
You would benefit from pairing with a Libra because they excel in fairness and equality in relationships—and are great at showing gratitude to lovers.
Your worst prospects in Love are with a partner who might (even accidentally) take advantage of your caring nature.
If you pair up with a Leo, a Scorpio, or a Taurus, you might be in for hurt feelings. A Leo might be too bossy for you, a Scorpio may be too vengeful when angry, and the Taurus will downright make you feel as if you are the one who is wrong, most of the time.
Do not let any of these negative people influence how you feel about your amazing self, especially when Generous Jupiter is in Cancer to bless you.
Dates for Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter entered Cancer on July 12, 2001, and then on June 25, 2013—staying until July 15, 2014.
The next time Jupiter enters Cancer will be around 12 years later, on June 9, 2025; and again, on May 23, 2027.
Be aware of the Retrograde cycle in this cycle of Jupiter: On November 11, 2016, Jupiter goes Retrograde.
On February 6, 2017, Jupiter goes Stationary and then goes Stationary Direct on June 9, 2017. Jupiter exits Retrograde on September 6, 2017.
Make sure that you are keeping track of how much energy you are putting into and getting out of your relationships.
You may find that keeping a journal, especially around the dates listed above, helps you in recognizing patterns in your behaviors and/or feelings.
Use your intuition at this time, and be aware that Jupiter wants you to find love and fulfillment through growth within self and relationships.
7 Little-Known Facts About Jupiter in Cancer
At the point of Jupiter entering into Cancer, it will result in some significant changes in the way that you act or view the world.
Being made aware of facts surrounding this change will certainly then make it substantially easier to incorporate it into your life without stressing.
1. It increases your desire to be generous.
One of the first things that this combination is going to do is to further enhance your desire to be generous.
However, you do so in a controlled manner so as it never puts pressure on other areas, and you are also viewed as being very fair with your generosity as well.
2. You will feel more open to spiritual things.
Thanks to the influence that this combination can have, you will often feel more open to spiritual things on a number of different levels.
You are also not afraid of effectively trying out different spiritual approaches as you see it as being exciting to go on this voyage of exploration.
3. Your ability to focus is enhanced.
Thanks to Jupiter in Cancer, there is going to be a sense of your level of focus being enhanced like never before, and that is something that you then need to take advantage of wherever possible.
Set goals for your own self and know that you will be able to achieve them thanks to the way in which Jupiter is pushing you along a particular path.
4. You are exceptionally caring to others.
There is a real sense that the woman that has been influenced by Jupiter in Cancer is going to be exceptionally caring to others, and that is something that they thrive in.
However, they are not going to be at a point where the wool can be pulled over their eyes, so if you think you can take advantage of this warmth, then think again.
5. You will feel safe and protected.
With men that have Jupiter in Cancer, then there is a real sense of them providing you with safety and a feeling of being protected at all times.
This is a situation that they excel in, and they seek the perfect partner to provide this safe environment to, but just as long as you are open to them taking control and looking after everything.
6. They can get nervous about money.
One potential area where there could be a problem is that there is a feeling of being nervous about money, and that is often a worry.
However, as long as they can keep track of what is going on, then there should be no real problem as they are aware that things need to be paid even though they hate wasting cash.
7. They love open lines of communication.
Finally, both sexes enjoy there being an open line of communication.
They do not believe in keeping a problem to your own self but rather that it is shared as that will allow it to be resolved in a shorter period of time.
Ultimately, this combination does have a profound impact on the way in which you will view different aspects of your life.
Understand the difference it can make and how you will be able to take advantage of it because that will allow you to move on like never before.
Final Thoughts
Show your love for others at this time by using your natural gifts—help your community by taking one meal by to an elderly neighbor once a week.
Volunteer to help reorganize the front desk or wash dogs at your local animal shelter. You have the Midas touch and can make any space seem comfortable.
Love will find you once you have hit your stride by taking care of yourself first, caring for your community, and opening your heart and mind to new people.
Mirror Jupiter’s Generosity and Trust, knowing that love and fulfillment will find you, at feel at home in you, when Jupiter is in Cancer.
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